
Where is your home town? Anchorage, AK

When is your B-Day? 7/23/1982

Describe yourself in 3 words? Wise, humble, happy

Do you have any pets? Yes, a white Ragdoll cat named Merlin. Merlin the Wizard kitty!

What are your hobbies? Hot Yoga, Art- Charcoal Drawing

What do you like to drink? Water, Earl Grey Tea

What sports do you play or enjoy? Gymnastics

Who’s your favorite golfer? Tiger

Do you like to cook? Yes

If you had lots of money, how would you spend it? I’d figure out how to help others.

Do you believe in love at first sight? Maybe

If you get to be someone else for a day, who would you want to be and why? My boyfriend, because he is the most amazing person I know.

How do you spend your days off? Yoga, Art

Name one of your favorite movies? Labrinth

Which was your best vacation to date? Going to the Philippines and doing art with orphans.

Would you sky dive or get a tattoo on a whim? Sky dive, but not tatoo

What’s your idea of fun? Spending time with the people you love backpacking

What is the one place you would like to visit? Stone Henge

What do you do to cheer yourself up if you have had a bad day? Drink hot tea. Eat Ice Cream. Go to bed.

Tell me one thing that you have accomplished, that makes you proud of yourself? Being random right now because I beat the odds and have the Lord in my heart, I am proud of getting through the life I’ve lived thus far and finding God.

If you could only do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Help others

What are the three things that you cannot live without? God, Love, Food

Which is the most dangerous and or adventurous thing you have ever done? Gone on

What can totally impress you? Elephants flying
