Where is your home town? Venice, CA
When is your B-Day? Sept. 20
Describe yourself in 3 words? Open-minded, curious, awesome
Do you have any pets? Not yet!
What are your hobbies? Writing, editing, playing guitar
What do you like to drink? Coffee, smoothies
What sports do you play or enjoy? Beach volleyball, basketball, ping-pong
Who’s your favorite golfer? I couldn’t say. Rory McIlroy looks like my friend.
Do you like to cook? I’m good at stuffed cornish game hens and burning myself.
If you had lots of money, how would you spend it? Buy property all over the world
Do you believe in love at first sight? No, love is a little deeper than that.
If you get to be someone else for a day, who would you want to be and why? Taylor Swift is the dream
How do you spend your days off? Alcohol, lying by the pool, crime documentaries
Name one of your favorite movies? Forrest Gump
Which was your best vacation to date? Hawaii
Would you sky dive or get a tattoo on a whim? Probably if I was drunk
What’s your idea of fun? I could have fun doing anything
What is the one place you would like to visit? Greece
What do you do to cheer yourself up if you have had a bad day? Gym, pizza, Netflix
Tell me one thing that you have accomplished, that makes you proud of yourself? I wrote and reported for two national magazines.
If you could only do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Try to make the world better for everyone
What are the three things that you cannot live without? Water, music, sushi
Which is the most dangerous and or adventurous thing you have ever done? Me trying to dance is pretty dangerous
What can totally impress you? Passion